MSH ? bEnfonvelle/b (67 ans). Richard Jean-Baptiste (bEnfonvelle/b? Vienne 1809). Tirailleur-chasseur (de la Garde ?) dans la 1e cie du 1er bataillon, hospitalisé le 21 ao?t 1809, mort le 24 ? 20 ans. Richard Philippe (Arsonville ? sic ...
jabi and i have just returned from a woodchopper weekend in enfonvelle, france. there we were helping tom to stock up his firewood by clearing his logs out of the communial forest. click on the image below to view the album and further ...
Hello everyone, Here some images of underdog Jabi, Tommy "big lips" and myself. Jabi and I have just returned from a woodchopper weekend in Enfonvelle, France. There we were helping Tom to stock up his firewood by clearing his logs out ...